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Gunpowder Temple Of Heaven Organic
The best quality Gunpowder dark leaf evenly rolled. Mild flavor.
*Organically grown products.
Supports various infusions.
How to prepare this type of tea:
With the name of gunpowder is known to this variety of green tea grown in the Chinese province of Zhejiang and named for its visual resemblance to gunpowder (in English gunpowder) since when collected the leaves are rolled in the form of balls to better maintain their properties.
Formerly this process of molding tea leaves was done by hand and is currently carried out by specialized machinery, although there are some types of gunpowder that are still wrapped by hand so they are more appreciated.
In China it is also known as "pearl tea" due to its visual appearance.
- Taste
- Herbal
Intense - Benefit
- Antioxidant
Digestive - Recommended
- Cold
Indispensable en casa y el trabajo
Este gunpowder es maravilloso. Lo llevo todos los días al trabajo y puedo tomar varias tazas sin pasarme de cafeína, y sin que pierda ni un ápice de aroma ni sabor. Tiene una altísima calidad a un precio genial.
Report abuseUno de los mejores tés verdes(sin aroma)
Este té se puede beber a cualquier hora del día,tanto para desayunar como por la tarde
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